Symantec Backup

Configuration Advisory Tool

I was the developer on a new Backup Configuration Advisory Tool for Symantec. The tool takes Symantec’s line of backup products and generates appropriate recommendations based on a user’s backup needs. The project involved translating some rather complicated logic & Excel spreadsheet formulas into Flash logic–first calculating the MSRP in dollars for each product based on a user’s backup needs (amount of TB of storage, Windows/Mac/Linux machine, if cloud storage is needed, number of virtual hosts, number of preprocessor sockets), then returning a list of the top three percentages estimating each product’s cost-efficiency.


The user is asked some preliminary questions about their backup needs to narrow down the selection. I implemented a custom weighted slider for the TB selection.

Smart Results

Answers are weighted and combined with the filters presented on the results page to calculate the top three most cost-effective backup options for the user, as well as a percentage for each match.

Relevant filters are displayed on left based on the preliminary questionnaire. In this example, updating the total number of physical servers and the number of databases backed up on physical servers updates the matches.

Users can view more details about a match and configure customized backup solutions.

Choose from different licenses.

Product SKUs are listed for the user to print, email, or copy to clipboard.


Attention to detail.

I added this little detail to help users read the product SKUs more easily. The SKU product number highlights in yellow on mouse over, and a box delineates additional product license SKUs for after the first year.